Friday, November 4, 2011

Hi there! Here are the choir booster updates.

Next Booster meeting is Nov. 15 , 7:00 in the choir room.

Pie sales are in progress.

Madrigals are coming up. If anyone would like to help with set up the week before Madrigals let Ms. Dunham know. (We can use all of the help we can get.) You do not have to stay for the entire scheduled time. The dates and times are:
Wed. Nov. 30 - 2:15-6:00
Thur. Dec. 1 - 2:20 - 8:00?
Fri Dec. 2 - (Dress Rehersal) 2:30-8:30

There will be a gift wrapping fundraiser (and Madrigal performance) Sunday Nov. 27 from 11:30-3:00

Aurelios Fundraiser and Madrigal performance is Tuesday Dec. 6 from 4:30-7:00

Booster pages are still under construction. (Booster 'webmaster' has been sick) Hope to have it up soon as another source of information for choir parents.


Friday, September 30, 2011

District 202 IMEA Pre-Audition Concert

Last Sunday, Concert Choir members from all PSD 202 High Schools performed in a combined concert featuring the IMEA District IX audition selections in preparation for the upcoming District IX Senior Chorus festival on Tuesday, October 4, 2011. All students did a fantastic job! Enjoy some pictures from the event!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oct 6 Booster meeting

FYI Upcoming booster meeting at 7 pm Thursday Oct. 6 in the choir room.

Friday, September 23, 2011

IMEA Practice Files!

For IMEA Audition Practice Files click HERE.
Also, don't forget about the IMEA Pre-Audition Concert THIS Sunday at Plainfield Central. Student call time is 5:30PM with the concert starting at 7:00PM. This is a combined concert with all four PSD 202 High Schools!
Also, rapidly approaching is the actual audition date for IMEA District IX Festival. The audition is Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 at Addison Trail High School. Students will be leaving PEHS at 2:30PM. The auditions are from 4:00-8:00PM. Expected arrival time back at East is 8:45-9:00PM. Keep practicing!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome Back 2011 Students and Families

Welcome to the Choir Updates Blog! Here you will find important information regarding the choir program including, performance updates, PEHS in the news, fundraisers, Choir Booster Information, etc. Please become a follower so you receive an e-mail update when a new post hits! Again, welcome back and I look forward to another great year!